Thursday, September 22, 2005

Pregnancy Care Centers Hit by Hurricane Katrina Need Your Help

When hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana and Mississippi, she was no respecter of persons. Whatever was in her path was hit by the same destructive force.This included several pro-life pregnancy help centers which serve pregnant mothers, and their babies. A quick call to OptionLine, the Louisiana umbrella organization for Pregnancy Care centers in the region, led to a conversation with Dorothy Wallis of Caring to Love Ministries. Wallis is leading an effort to rebuild Pregnancy Care Centers in hurricane devastated areas. She said four Pregnancy Care Centers were under five feet of water, one had its roof blown off, and in Covington two trees crashed through the building. I asked what were their needs. Money is needed and also building supply and baby supplies once the centers begin to re-open in late October. (See Baby Shower for ways you can help.)
In Scranton, a "Baby Shower" of sorts is planned to aid the victims of hurricane Katrina. Spearheaded by Linda Cirba, a senior at Bishop Hannan High School, the "Baby Shower" will be held in October to restock the Pregnancy Care Centers damaged or flooded by Hurricane Katrina. Local schools and youth groups especially, are encouraged to participate. Any church or organization who would like to help please call 570-343-5099. Posters will be provided.
We will be collecting baby items, especially formula and diapers, diaper wipes, receiving blankets, baby clothes, as well as maternity clothes. The Pregnancy Care Centers, though damaged themselves are receiving many calls from women who need assistance.
On Saturday, October 22 from noon until 5:00 pm and again on Saturday, October 29 from noon until 5:00 pm baby items will be accepted at our Pro-Life Information Center, 506 Broadway, Scranton, Pa. 18505 Donations to defray the cost of shippinng these items are also welcome.
If your organization would like to participate, please contact the Pro-Life Center 343-5099 leave your name, address and phone number. Those who wish to make a donation via credit card can go directly to Caring to Love Ministries which is on the internet at

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