Friday, July 01, 2005

Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor to Retire

Justice Sandra Day O'connor intends to retire from the Supreme Court. Her resignation letter to President Bush states, "It has been a great privilege indeed to have served as a member of the court for 24 years." Her resignation will take effect when a successor is confirmed.
Nancy Keenan of the National Abortion Rights Action League called O'Connor, "someone who put reason ahead of ideological fervor". Planned Parenthood President Karen Pearl called her, "a discerning, conscientious, and moderate judge." TRANSLATION: SHE VOTED FOR ABORTION!

O’Connor wrote the opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey with Justices Kennedy and Souter which upheld the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. In the Planned Parenthood v. Casey, O’Connor and company struck down the provision in Pennsylvania’s law requiring spousal notice. Thus, fathers are denied the right to be notified of a wife’s intent to abort their child.

Pro-abortion organizations have been preparing for the resignation of a Supreme Court Justice for long time. Their web sites are ready with blank pages for Judicial Nominees which have yet to be named. They have asked their supporters to join "rapid response" teams. Let us hope pro-life people have been doing the same. If you would like to be placed on an e-mail alert list to be notified of upcoming judicial nominations, and pro-life legislation, send your e-mail address to Also, please include the name of pro-life organization to which you belong.

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