Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Pennsylvania Pro-Life Convention

The state pro-life convention sponsored by the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation will be held October 1 and 2 at the Radisson Hotel Valley Forge and Valley Forge Convention Center, King of Prussia, PA. Confirmed speakers include: Dr. Alveda King who will discuss the relationship of the Civil Rights and Pro-Life Movement; Dr. David Prentice on Cloning and Stem Cell Research; Day Gardner who will discuss Abortion in the African-American Community. Additional speakers include Bob Schindler brother of Terri Schiavo on End of Life Issues; Dr. Theresa Burke author of Forbidden Grief will discuss Post-Abortion Syndrome and Dr. Angela Lanfranchi of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute will discuss the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link.
A separate session of workshops for teens will include NFL player Chris Godfrey, Generation Life and workshops on the Terri Schiavo Case, How to Start a Pro-Life Club and Post-Abortion Syndrome. The Scranton Chapter will arrange a bus for the Saturday, October 1, workshops. Those interested, especially high school teachers who want to bring their pro-life club, are asked to please call the Scranton Chapter at 343-5099.

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