In the past three years, I have met three young women with cervical cancer. These women are all in their twenties. Approximately 20 million people are currently infected with the Human papillomavirus and 10 of the 30 identified genital HPV types can lead to the development of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is supposed to be a rare occurrence but the three women I've recently met would lead me to believe otherwise. One of these women was under the "care" of Planned Parenthood for birth control. I don't know about the other two. So much for birth control preventing the spread of STD's!
My question is directed to parents of young girls. Are we really doing our girls a favor by allowing them to date at age 12 or 13? Are three or four more years of sexaul experiences a benefit or a hazzard? What about the maturity level of a 12 year old when it comes to sound decision making? When I was a teenager the rule was no dating until you are sixteen. Other parents had similar rules for their daughters. I set the same rule for my four daughters and was informed by each of them that they were the only ones in the school (a small Caatholic school) who had such a rule. The mother who took her daughter to Planned Parenthood for birth control and now faces losing that daughter to cervical cancer probably wishes she did things differently.
There are resources for parents who want to encourage their children to practice abstinence. A good start is a pamphlet series by Heritage House on sexually transmitted diseases. Contact Heritage House at 1-800-858-3040 to order. Request a catalog as they have other abstinence resoures.
Please pray for these young women and their babies.
Pennsylvania Right to Life Issues, Pro-Life Education and Resources, Abortion, Health Care, End of Life Issues, 2020 Elections. Covid19 related issues, Catholic Faith
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Terri Schiavo Foundation
The Terri Schiavo Foundation which was created to save the life of the woman who was starved and dehydrated by order of the Florida Courts, will continue to operate to work to save the lives of other disabled Americans. While the web site is being revamped, a posted statement from the Schindler Family concerning Terri's autopsy results is worth reading. Visit . Rarely will the media report from the Schindler's perspective. According to the Schindler's statement, the medical examiner's report "confirms THAT TERRI WAS NOT TERMINAL, THAT TERRI HAD NO LIVING WILL, THAT TERRI HAD A STRONG HEART AND THAT TERRI WAS BRUTALLY DEHYDRATED TO DEATH." . Rarely will the media report from the Schindler's perspective. According to the Schindler's statement, the medical examiner's report "confirms THAT TERRI WAS NOT TERMINAL, THAT TERRI HAD NO LIVING WILL, THAT TERRI HAD A STRONG HEART AND THAT TERRI WAS BRUTALLY DEHYDRATED TO DEATH."
What has Social Security to do with Abortion?
Check today's Umbert the Unborn comic strip on and see. Click on the Culture of Life.
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Convention
The state pro-life convention sponsored by the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation will be held October 1 and 2 at the Radisson Hotel Valley Forge and Valley Forge Convention Center, King of Prussia, PA. Confirmed speakers include: Dr. Alveda King who will discuss the relationship of the Civil Rights and Pro-Life Movement; Dr. David Prentice on Cloning and Stem Cell Research; Day Gardner who will discuss Abortion in the African-American Community. Additional speakers include Bob Schindler brother of Terri Schiavo on End of Life Issues; Dr. Theresa Burke author of Forbidden Grief will discuss Post-Abortion Syndrome and Dr. Angela Lanfranchi of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute will discuss the Abortion-Breast Cancer Link.
A separate session of workshops for teens will include NFL player Chris Godfrey, Generation Life and workshops on the Terri Schiavo Case, How to Start a Pro-Life Club and Post-Abortion Syndrome. The Scranton Chapter will arrange a bus for the Saturday, October 1, workshops. Those interested, especially high school teachers who want to bring their pro-life club, are asked to please call the Scranton Chapter at 343-5099.
A separate session of workshops for teens will include NFL player Chris Godfrey, Generation Life and workshops on the Terri Schiavo Case, How to Start a Pro-Life Club and Post-Abortion Syndrome. The Scranton Chapter will arrange a bus for the Saturday, October 1, workshops. Those interested, especially high school teachers who want to bring their pro-life club, are asked to please call the Scranton Chapter at 343-5099.