Tuesday, April 28, 2020

45,500 corpses incinerated in Wuhan in 2 weeks, say U.S. intel sources - WND

45,500 corpses incinerated in Wuhan in 2 weeks, say U.S. intel sources - WND: the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic that is sweeping the world has infected hundreds of thousands around the globe. Tens of thousands have been killed.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Hydrochloroquine wars, 2: a NY physician speaks of "hundreds" of successful patients, a Governor bans use in Nevada

Hydrochloroquine wars, 2: a NY physician speaks of "hundreds" of successful patients, a Governor bans use in Nevada   Dr.Zelenko had over 1000 patients with Covid19..    Of those 405 were high risk and we're treated with hydroxychloraquin, an antibiotic and zinc.  The high risk patients were treated at an early stage of the disease rather than waiting for serious complications to set in requiring hospitalization.
There were only 2 fatalities
 in this group. (From a radio interview of Dr. Zelenko by Sean Hanity.)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

After two years or more focusing on one job, the Corona virus quarentine has given me the opportunity to revisit this blog.  Euthanasia is still a major topic.   Greatly increased have been violation of our right to freedom of religion.  Government overreach denying Christians the ability to worship even in a drive- in worship service.  At one service police even dumped nails at the exits of the service so that worshipers would go home with flat tires.  To what purpose?  Obviously to punish those who came out to worship.