Pennsylvania Right to Life Issues, Pro-Life Education and Resources, Abortion, Health Care, End of Life Issues, 2020 Elections. Covid19 related issues, Catholic Faith
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Doctors Told Them to “Get Rid of” Their “Non-Viable” Baby, Their Response Was Priceless
Jett Morris is now crawling and has cut his first tooth but a year ago doctors told his parents that he was non-viable and they encouraged the couple to consider abortion.
The couple had just been told they were having a health baby but the night after a 20-week pregnancy checkup, Mrs Morris’s waters broke. Doctors told her her baby would not live and that if she continued the pregnancy any further she would put herself at risk for a serious infection. Visit:
Doctors Told Them to “Get Rid of” Their “Non-Viable” Baby, Their Response Was PricelessTuesday, December 02, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Teen Strangled Her Newborn Baby, Wrapped Him in a Bag, Stuffed Him in the Trash
She told police she panicked after giving birth in the shop’s bathroom because her mother, from whom she had been hiding her pregnancy, was waiting outside. Employees at the Salvation Army store in Streamwood found the almost 7-pound baby dead in the trash, wrapped in a plastic bag.
Teen Strangled Her Newborn Baby, Wrapped Him in a Bag, Stuffed Him in the Trash
Teen Strangled Her Newborn Baby, Wrapped Him in a Bag, Stuffed Him in the Trash
Abortion “Doctor” Who Left Decapitated Unborn Baby Inside Mother Has License Suspended
“Given the facts that Alexander suffers from mental illness, has a long string of documented botched abortions, and was operating in such squalid conditions that it made Kermit Gosnell look like ‘Mr. Good Housekeeping,’ it is unfathomable that this Board could even entertain the possibility that Alexander could soon resume his practice,” said Troy Newman President of Operation Rescue. “We can only hope that Alexander never has access to $75,000 to pay his fine and get his license back. If anyone should be permanently barred from the practice of medicine, it is Robert Alexander.” Visit:
Abortion “Doctor” Who Left Decapitated Unborn Baby Inside Mother Has License Suspended
Abortion “Doctor” Who Left Decapitated Unborn Baby Inside Mother Has License Suspended
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The Drop Box – Official Full Movie Trailer
Call your local theater to see if they are running this movie
Monday, November 17, 2014
Wednesday, November 05, 2014
Governors: GOP sweep; Wis. gives Walker 3rd win | CNS News
Republicans swept governor's races across the country Tuesday, holding on to control of key swing states like Florida, Michigan and Ohio and scoring upsets in Democratic bastions like Maryland, Massachusetts and Illinois. Among the victors was Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a conservative darling who won his third election in four years Visit: .Governors: GOP sweep; Wis. gives Walker 3rd win | CNS News
Election Results in 2014 Governor's Races
Only fifteen of the fifty states did NOT hold an election for governor in 2014.
Of the thirty-five states with a governor’s race, as of about 1:00 AM November 5th, twenty-five of those states elected a Republican governor. The Republican (red) states were mostly in the south and mid- west. Democrat governors were elected in California, Oregon, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Several states did not have enough results in to call a winner at this
Monday, November 03, 2014
A letter to Brittany Maynard
Maggie Karner, also diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer, makes a video appeal on Oct. 29, 2014,
to Brittany Maynard, who is also terminally ill, but contemplating suicide on Nov. 1, 2014. Maynard
took her own life on Nov 1, 2014. It is doubtful that she saw any of the appeals made by numerous individuals to persuade her to choose life.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
A wife is a gift from God in life, death - The Arlington Catholic Herald
In July of this year, my wife of nine years, Sarah, passed away suddenly. We have four beautiful children, and our fifth was on the way. My wife was a gift from God during our life together. This woman made me into a man that loved the Lord and would pass that love to his children. In life and in death, Sarah gave me gifts to grow as a man, husband and father.
A wife is not a right but a gift that she and God give to her husband. A relationship that is Christ-centered will bring both spouses to a more fruitful relationship with God and each other. Often during our marriage I could see how Sarah brought me closer to God. Visit:
A wife is a gift from God in life, death - The Arlington Catholic Herald
Monday, October 20, 2014
Pro-abortion Iowa Senate candidate falsely says he opposes late abortions
First, as a member of the House of Representatives Braley voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. H.R. 1797 would provide nationwide protection for unborn children who are capable of feeling pain, beginning at 20 weeks fetal age.
Second, Braley co-sponsored the “Women’s Health Protection Act”—which, as National Right to Life President Carol Tobias told the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee back in July, would be more accurately described as the “Abortion Without Limits Until Birth Act.” Visit: Pro-abortion Iowa Senate candidate falsely says he opposes late abortions
Wednesday, October 01, 2014
Ashley Bridges Made the Ultimate Sacrafice for her Unborn Baby - Please Pray for Ashley
A 24-year old mother, Ashley Bridges, made the ultimate sacrifice for her unborn baby when she denied life-saving chemotherapy treatment for bone cancer. Bone cancer accounts for less than 1% of all cancers, and cancer in young adults is extremely rare. In the United States, 2,300 new cases of bone cancer are diagnosed each year.
During her third trimester, Bridges was told that delaying treatment had allowed the cancer to spread. Even though she was only in her eighth month of pregnancy, she was told she needed to deliver Paisley immediately so she could begin treatment.
But even with multiple rounds of chemotherapy, her cancer was terminal. Bridges was given less than a year to live.
Do Not Delete! Defending Life at Risk in a Throwaway Culture Nov. 15, 2014 St. Francis University, Loretto, PA (Johnstown)
The Pro-Life Healthcare Alliance, a program of Human Life Alliance, is excited to announce this one day event hosting a line-up of exceptional speakers covering a wide range of end-of-life topics.
Sponsoring organizations include: Counselors for Life, Altoona, PA, Sister Servants of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Cresson, PA
To contact Human Life Alliance call 651-484-1040
Do Not Delete! Defending Life at Risk in a Throwaway Culture
8:00-8:40 Registration
8:40-8:50 Intro/Prayer
8:50-9:50 Julie Grimstad, LPN, Medical Futility and Patient
9:50-10:35 Cristen M Krebs, DNP, ANP-BC, Hospice in the
21st Century: A Life Affirming Model
21st Century: A Life Affirming Model
10:35-10:45 Break
10:45-11:30 Loren Kirchner, MD, MS, FACP,Medical Oaths in
the Present Day
the Present Day
11:30-12:45 Lunch
12:45-1:45 Dr. Marie Hilliard, MS (Nursing) JCL, PhD, R.N,
POLST and basic
principles of Catholic Medical Ethics
POLST and basic
principles of Catholic Medical Ethics
1:45-2:30 David Mills, "My Father's Good Death"
2:30-3:15 Ralph Capone MD, FACP, Patient Virtue and
Healthcare Decision-Making
Healthcare Decision-Making
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30-4:30 Panel Discussion/ Q&A
(Julie Grimstad, Moderator)
(Julie Grimstad, Moderator)
Lunch available in the Torvian Dining Hall building # 47, for $8.75
Speakers listed in following post.
Healthcare Conference - Do Not Delete - Defending Life at Risk in a Throwaway Culture - Nov. 15, 2014 st. Francis University, Loretto, PA. (Johnstown)
Marie T. Hilliard, JCL, PHD, RN, Director of Bioethics & Public Policy of The National Catholic Bioethics Center, holds graduate degrees in Maternal-Child Health Nursing, Religious Studies, Canon Law, and a Ph.D. in Professional Higher Education Administration, as well as a doctorate in Christian Ethics honoris causa from the Franciscan University of Steubenville. She serves as a resource for the United States Bishops on the implementation of the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services.
David Mills, has edited both Touchstone andFirst Things magazines, is the author ofDiscovering Mary and the "Catholic Sense"column published in diocesan newspapers. He, his wife, and their four children were received into the Catholic Church in 2001.
Ralph A. Capone, M.D., F.A.C.P. is board-certified in Internal Medicine, Hospice and Palliative Medicine, with over 30 years of clinical experience and an abiding interest in American bioethics, its impact on the medical profession and on society. His past experience includes: ethics consultant at two Catholic hospitals, executive experience as the Medical Director of Jeannette Hospital, and Chief Quality Officer and Chief Medical Officer at Excela Health. Dr. Capone developed and taught a course in clinical ethics and he was medical director for a non-profit hospice. Presently he works part-time in palliative care as the medical director of the palliative care consult service at UPMC-McKeesport, teaches Catholic Bioethics at St Vincent College in Latrobe, PA and has published in bioethics. He is on the board of The Pro-life Healthcare Alliance and is a published writer.
Julie Grimstad, LPN, founder and Executive Director of Life is Worth Living Inc., past chair of the Pro-life Healthcare Alliance, a committee of Human Life Alliance(HLA), and on the HLA board of advisors.
Julie addresses all aspects of medical decision-making and patient advocacy. She has served as a volunteer patient advocate for 28 years.
Julie was director of the Center for the Rights of the Terminallyl Ill for 18 years. Julie edits and is a contributing writer to Imposed Death: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, andInformed, A Guide for Critical Medical Decisions, both Human Life Alliance educational supplements available atwww.humanlife.org.
Julie resides in Bedford, TX with her husband, William, and is the mother of five living children and two in heaven, grandmother of nine and great grandmother of two.
Cristen M. Krebs, DNP, ANP-BC, Catholic Hospice Founder / Executive Director, is a graduate of Robert Morris University's Doctor of Nursing Practice Program with twenty years of end-of-life care experience. In 1997, Dr. Krebs began the first faith-based, nonprofit hospice program serving Pittsburgh and surrounding counties. In May 2007, she incorporated Catholic Hospice, the only pro-life, non-profit hospice in Pittsburgh.
Loren Kirchner, MD, completed his MD at Northeast Ohio Medical University and residency at the Canton Medical Education Foundation in Internal Medicine. Dr. Kirchner is an internist at the Cleveland Clinic and also serves in the US Army. He has been deployed four times during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Dr. Kirchner's interests include euthanasia, end-of-life concerns in the current cultural climate, and the value of medical oaths.
Pennsylvania Conference Ticket
Call 651-484-1040.
Friday, September 26, 2014
PA Author Brings Inspirational Message on Returning Order to America Meet John Horvat, II on September 28, 2014 in Scranton, PA
PA Author Brings Inspirational Message on Returning Order to America
Meet John Horvat, II on September 28, 2014 St Mary’s Center, 320 Mifflin Ave., Scranton, Pa. 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Don't miss this very important and timely message by Award Winning Author , JOHN HORVAT , entitled, “HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER: The key to bringing America Back to Order. His talk aims to fire up American families with the notion of honoring parents and transforming our culture. As in his book, "Return to Order", Horvat draws from America's rich Christian past to explain the correlation between family, faith, the economy, and moral values. He shows how society's obsession for a secular, materialistic culture is causing social and psychological emptiness and economic ruin.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
TV Show Solves 1997 Case of Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Killed the Day She Was to Give Birth
Thanks to some help from TNT’s Cold Justice, Cottonwood, Arizona police arrested Cecilio Cruz, 34, who was respnosible for killing his pregnant girlfriend. Cruz is now charged with the shooting death of his then girlfriend Marisol Gonzalez, who had carried their child nearly to full term. Unfortunately, Cruz could still walk free because police have no physical evidence against Cruz. Visit:
TV Show Solves 1997 Case of Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Killed the Day She Was to Give Birth
TV Show Solves 1997 Case of Pregnant Woman, Unborn Baby Killed the Day She Was to Give Birth
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
40 Days for Life: Planned Parenthood Manager Converts, Clinic Closes
Pro Life success story in Texas at spring 40 Days for Life campaign.
The fall campaign starts in a week.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014
National Right to Life's Ernie Olhoff to Address Scranton Pro-Life Chapter
Scranton Chapter Marks The 40th Anniversary of Its Founding
Banquet to Honor Forty Year Fight for Life!
Four decades and over 55 million abortions since the Roe v. Wade decision of Jan. 22, 1973 legalizing abortion-on-demand in all fifty states, the battle to create a culture of life in America rages on. Locally, that battle has been carried on by the Scranton Chapter of Pennsylvanians for Human Life and on Friday, November 14th, 2014, it will mark the occasion with a Respect Life Banquet at Fiorelli's, 1501 Main St in Peckville, PA. All members, supporters, volunteers, members of the clergy and interested persons are invited to attend and commemorate this major milestone in the history of our fight to uphold the dignity of and respect for human life from conception until its natural end.
It will be a time to honor those whose significant contributions of time, talent, and energy helped make this one of the most pro-life communities in the United States, denying the abortion industry a foothold in Scranton and Lackawanna County, as well as a time to look forward, enjoining a new generation of human rights defenders to take up the pro-life banner.
Ernest Ohlhoff, outreach director for the National Right to Life Committee, Washington D.C. will be featured speaker. He is a former resident of the Poconos in PA, and initially became involved with the Scranton Chapter before moving on to higher positions in the pro-life movement.
Included within the NRLC Outreach Dept. are American Victims of abortion, Religious Outreach, Youth Outreach (Teens and College) and Black Americans and Native Americans for Life.
Reservations for the Banquet may be made by contacting the Scranton Chapter at 570-347-8299 or 343-5099. Tickets cost is $30.00 per person with Dinner being served at 7 PM and cash bar beginning at 6 PM. Advance requests for reservations may be mailed including total amount and number of reservations. Send to PA For Human Life, 506 Broadway, Scranton PA 18505.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Burying the Dead: The Recovery and Burial of 600 Victims of Abortion
Remembering victims of Abortion: An abortion clinic worker called a pro-life center for help. "Our “informant,” Don, told us that he was appalled at the way the staff treated the women who came to them for abortions. He said they had no respect for women. And he was shocked to discover that they threw the aborted babies into the garbage dumpster in the alley behind the clinic.
Don also told us that he needed us to protect his identity, as he was afraid for his own life and safety."
Burying the Dead: The Recovery and Burial of 600 Victims of AbortionThere will be a memorial service in front of the memorial for the unborn at St. Peter's Cathedral, Wyoming Ave. Scranton, PA. It is a National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn victims of Abortion on Sat. Sept. 13th. at 10 am
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Tiny baby undergoes rare heart surgery, prognosis great for “Mighty Girl”
Talk about beating the odds! First, the parents of Alexandra Mae Van Kirk, also known as “Mighty Girl,” find that at 22 weeks their unborn baby girl is not developing as she should. As the months roll by, the prognosis grows worse and worse. To see a photo of this tiny baby and read her story visit: Tiny baby undergoes rare heart surgery, prognosis great for “Mighty Girl”
Daughter of Mentally Challenged Reno Woman who was almost forced to abort adopted by Grandparents
Nearly two years after the Washoe County Family Court case that shocked the nation, Cierra Marie, a little girl, whose life was threatened by a potential court ordered abortion, has a forever home. Visit:
Daughter of Mentally Challenged Reno Woman who was almost forced to abort adopted by Grandparents
Daughter of Mentally Challenged Reno Woman who was almost forced to abort adopted by Grandparents
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Return of Lapsed Catholics to the Sacraments.Almighty Father,
. You desire not the death of the sinner, but that he may be converted and live.
Pour out upon us Your mercy and hear the prayers of Your servants.
Soften the hearts of Your children who have strayed from the true path which You established for their salvation.
They are now forgetful of their duties as Catholics,
. You desire not the death of the sinner, but that he may be converted and live.
Pour out upon us Your mercy and hear the prayers of Your servants.
Soften the hearts of Your children who have strayed from the true path which You established for their salvation.
They are now forgetful of their duties as Catholics,
and pursue the pleasures of the world.
Grant that they may quickly return to the practice of every Christian virtue,
so that their lives may shine with the integrity of faith,
Grant that they may quickly return to the practice of every Christian virtue,
so that their lives may shine with the integrity of faith,
the fervor of piety, and the ardor of charity.
Restore them all to Your sacraments and the life of Your grace,
through the merits of the most precious blood of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.
Restore them all to Your sacraments and the life of Your grace,
through the merits of the most precious blood of Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Couple Who Wanted Surrogate to Abort Baby With Down Syndrome Also Wanted Their Money Back
Surrogacy and IVF has objectified procreation. Now, it can be about not just having a baby to unconditionally love, but about ordering a baby that meets specifications.
Case in point: The notorious Australian biological colonialists who paid a Thai agency to hire a surrogate to carry their child, but then abandoned their son when it was discovered he has Down syndrome.
Couple Who Wanted Surrogate to Abort Baby With Down Syndrome Also Wanted Their Money Back
Case in point: The notorious Australian biological colonialists who paid a Thai agency to hire a surrogate to carry their child, but then abandoned their son when it was discovered he has Down syndrome.
Couple Who Wanted Surrogate to Abort Baby With Down Syndrome Also Wanted Their Money Back
Monday, August 11, 2014
Friday, August 08, 2014
Upper St. Clair couple's Down syndrome advocacy a labor of love
Margie Kondrich was afraid to look at her baby.
In 2003, after giving birth to her daughter, Chloe, in a Pittsburgh hospital, the attending medical staff suddenly turned somber. They told Kondrich that her baby displayed characteristics of Down syndrome, a genetic disorder that went undetected despite five sonograms.
Read more: Upper St. Clair couple's Down syndrome advocacy a labor of love
Friday, August 01, 2014
A Christian Told Him Abortion Will Never be Stopped, His Response Was Priceless
“Abortion cannot be stopped.” That is what a man said to me as I was
coming out of Mass with the Stand True Mission Team and the walkers from
Crossroads Pro-life Walks Across America.
told him that many people said that slavery would never be made illegal
back in the 1800s. He just ignored that and continued to argue that
abortion will never be outlawed. I tried to explain to him that this
generation is waking up to the truth about the abortion holocaust and
that this would be the generation that will abolish abortion.
He almost seemed annoyed with us for having the audacity to believe
such a thing. I told him to look at biblical
history and see what God can do. He just kept repeating that abortion will never be outlawed and I finally asked him, “How big is your God?” Visit: A Christian Told Him Abortion Will Never be Stopped, His Response Was Priceless
coming out of Mass with the Stand True Mission Team and the walkers from
Crossroads Pro-life Walks Across America.
told him that many people said that slavery would never be made illegal
back in the 1800s. He just ignored that and continued to argue that
abortion will never be outlawed. I tried to explain to him that this
generation is waking up to the truth about the abortion holocaust and
that this would be the generation that will abolish abortion.
He almost seemed annoyed with us for having the audacity to believe
such a thing. I told him to look at biblical
history and see what God can do. He just kept repeating that abortion will never be outlawed and I finally asked him, “How big is your God?” Visit: A Christian Told Him Abortion Will Never be Stopped, His Response Was Priceless
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Dr. Martha Boone: Obamacare Threatens Patients and Doctors
Good explanation of how Affordable Care Act hinders patient care.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Down Syndrome Prenatal Education Act
Ever since her birth, Chloe Kondrich has taken her family on an unexpected journey. Chloe, born with Down syndrome in 2003, has now led the family up the steps of the State Capitol.
This morning in Harrisburg, Gov. Tom Corbett is expected to sign the Down Syndrome Prenatal Education Act, otherwise known as Chloe’s Law, named after the Upper St. Clair 11-year-old and spearheaded by her father.
Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/news/health/2014/07/18/Chloe-s-law-expected-to-give-support-to-women/stories/201407180012#ixzz384OEn0qt
This morning in Harrisburg, Gov. Tom Corbett is expected to sign the Down Syndrome Prenatal Education Act, otherwise known as Chloe’s Law, named after the Upper St. Clair 11-year-old and spearheaded by her father.
Read more: http://www.post-gazette.com/news/health/2014/07/18/Chloe-s-law-expected-to-give-support-to-women/stories/201407180012#ixzz384OEn0qt
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Abortionist Leroy Carhart Botches Another Abortion, Sends Black Woman to Hospital
An African-American patient of the notorious late-term abortionist
LeRoy Carhart, 72, was transported to the hospital after suffering a
medical emergency at Germantown Reproductive Health Services in
Germantown, Maryland, on Wednesday, July 2, 2014.
This represents the EIGHTH known medical emergency for which Carhart
has been responsible since March, 2012. The recently injured women
include Jennifer Morbelli, who died on Feb. 7, 2013.
Abortionist Leroy Carhart Botches Another Abortion, Sends Black Woman to Hospital
LeRoy Carhart, 72, was transported to the hospital after suffering a
medical emergency at Germantown Reproductive Health Services in
Germantown, Maryland, on Wednesday, July 2, 2014.
This represents the EIGHTH known medical emergency for which Carhart
has been responsible since March, 2012. The recently injured women
include Jennifer Morbelli, who died on Feb. 7, 2013.
Abortionist Leroy Carhart Botches Another Abortion, Sends Black Woman to Hospital
Thursday, July 10, 2014
National Right to Life President Carol Tobias on Obama Health Care and R...
Nothing has changed. Obama Care still needs to be repealed. In the National Right to Life Convention in 2014 one speaker suggested it may be necessary to travel to a foreign country
such as Malaysia to get the care you will not qualify for here
Wednesday, July 02, 2014
National Right to Life Convention, Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girls
This past weekend I spent three days at the National Right to Life Convention in Louisville, KY.
It was an excellent conference with many speakers I'd heard before and many I didn't. I was impressed with the woman who spoke about the Girl Scouts and their own resources regarding the sad inclusion of reproductive rights advocacy throughout the Girl Scout organization. Ann Saladin thoroughly investigated this issue and has created MyGirlScoutCouncil.com, a website documenting specific concerns about the Girl Scouts
In addition, representatives from American Heritage Girls, an alternative to Girl Scouts, had a booth at the convention. I was able to speak to a few girls who have been with American Heritage Girls for several years. They seemed very happy with the American Heritage Girls experience. You can learn more about this organization at www.ahgonline.org AHG has 772 Troops across the United States.
It was an excellent conference with many speakers I'd heard before and many I didn't. I was impressed with the woman who spoke about the Girl Scouts and their own resources regarding the sad inclusion of reproductive rights advocacy throughout the Girl Scout organization. Ann Saladin thoroughly investigated this issue and has created MyGirlScoutCouncil.com, a website documenting specific concerns about the Girl Scouts
In addition, representatives from American Heritage Girls, an alternative to Girl Scouts, had a booth at the convention. I was able to speak to a few girls who have been with American Heritage Girls for several years. They seemed very happy with the American Heritage Girls experience. You can learn more about this organization at www.ahgonline.org AHG has 772 Troops across the United States.
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Chris McDaniel, True the Vote challenge Mississippi primary vote - Washington Times
A conservative group filed a lawsuit in federal court Tuesday
challenging the outcome of the bitter Mississippi GOP Senate primary,
saying that investigators should take more time to determine whether
election laws have been broken and whether illegal ballots were cast.
Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jul/1/chris-mcdaniel-true-the-vote-challenge-mississippi/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS#ixzz36HNLjBdA
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
Chris McDaniel, True the Vote challenge Mississippi primary vote - Washington Times
challenging the outcome of the bitter Mississippi GOP Senate primary,
saying that investigators should take more time to determine whether
election laws have been broken and whether illegal ballots were cast.
Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jul/1/chris-mcdaniel-true-the-vote-challenge-mississippi/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS#ixzz36HNLjBdA
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
Chris McDaniel, True the Vote challenge Mississippi primary vote - Washington Times
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
He Killed Babies Born Alive After Abortion, Until This Happened
Texas abortionist referred to as the Gosnell of Texas. Visit: tHe Killed Babies Born Alive After Abortion, Until This Happened
Justina Pelletier’s Family Promises to Sue Massachusetts for Abducting Their Daughter
Lou Pelletier told MailOnline that he will not mince words now that he is no longer gagged and Justina is home.
“I am still very angry at the psychiatrists, Boston Children’s Hospital, and the Department of Families and Children for putting Justina through this. My daughter was used as a lab rat, a cruel experiment.
They tried to gag me, to prevent me from telling what was going on. Can you imagine what would have happened to Justina if I hadn’t gone public? Justina who once was able to ice skate is now confined to a wheel chair.
Justina Pelletier’s Family Promises to Sue Massachusetts for Abducting Their Daughter
They tried to gag me, to prevent me from telling what was going on. Can you imagine what would have happened to Justina if I hadn’t gone public? Justina who once was able to ice skate is now confined to a wheel chair.
Judge Stops Texas Man’s Estranged Wife From Starving Him to Death
Last Friday, Terry Dean Martin was admitted to Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas – Beaumont Campus due to complications associated with his kidneys. On Sunday night at approximately 11:00 PM, Terry Martin’s heart stopped beating. Martin was immediately provided with emergency medical treatment and is somewhat responsive but has not regained complete consciousness. Martin is currently being provided with life-sustaining treatment including a ventilator, nutrition, and hydration.
Gary and Angela Martin immediately drove from Oklahoma to Beaumont upon learning of the news. Terry Martin and his estranged wife, Debi Martin, have been separated for over nine years. On Monday, Debi Martin, who lives in the Beaumont area, arrived at the hospital seeking to have all life-sustaining treatment removed immediately. Terry Martin’s estate includes a 23-acre tract of land with a 2,000 sq. ft. home. Debi Martin is believed to be the beneficiary of his Terry Martin’s $150,000 life insurance policy. Visit: Judge Stops Texas Man’s Estranged Wife From Starving Him to Death
Gary and Angela Martin immediately drove from Oklahoma to Beaumont upon learning of the news. Terry Martin and his estranged wife, Debi Martin, have been separated for over nine years. On Monday, Debi Martin, who lives in the Beaumont area, arrived at the hospital seeking to have all life-sustaining treatment removed immediately. Terry Martin’s estate includes a 23-acre tract of land with a 2,000 sq. ft. home. Debi Martin is believed to be the beneficiary of his Terry Martin’s $150,000 life insurance policy. Visit: Judge Stops Texas Man’s Estranged Wife From Starving Him to Death
Friday, June 13, 2014
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
A new direction for Republicans outlined by Michael Needham CEO Heritage Action for America
Time for Choosing
Fellow conservative,A political earthquake rocked Washington, DC last night.
The implications of Dave Brat's stunning victory go well beyond politics, however. As the Weekly Standard's William Kristol explained, the race became "a broad populist case for a Republican party focused on Main Street and Middle America, not on Wall Street and corporate interests."
For the past four years, Heritage Action has been making the case that conservatives should not be in the business of protecting or justifying corporate welfare. Instead, we should confront the Bigs – Big Wall Street, Big Government, Big Labor, Big Education and Big Business – head on, and fight for the conservative policy solutions that will save the country, not simply those that help the well connected.
And last night, voters made DC listen.
Thank you for all you have done to advance conservative policy.

Michael A. Needham
Chief Executive Officer
Heritage Action for America
Heritage Action for America | 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20002
Friday, June 06, 2014
D-Day at 70: When Order Triumphed Over Evil
This June 6th marks the seventieth anniversary of the D-Day Normandy landings. While not the largest amphibious operation in history, it is perhaps the most significant. Europe was pinned beneath the boot of National Socialism, a godless, gnostic sect that swept God from public life. The Normandy invasion spelled the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany. Visit: D-Day at 70: When Order Triumphed Over Evil
Friday, May 30, 2014
Barletta on VA Scandal
Barletta Statement Resignation of Secretary Shinseki
Barletta’s statement is as follows:
“I have always believed that cabinet members serve at the pleasure of the president, and in this case President Obama clearly felt that Secretary Shinseki could no longer adequately lead an agency that has suffered such a scandal and loss of public confidence. I thank General Shinseki for his long and distinguished career in service to his country. I also note that this is one event in this sad affair that the president will not have to learn about from the news media.
“The deplorable treatment of veterans at VA medical facilities is something that no American should tolerate. The Inspector General’s report is yet more evidence that the problem is systemic, widespread, and certainly not limited to one hospital in Phoenix. I continue to believe that a Department of Justice investigation is warranted to determine the full scope of the flaws and to identify responsible parties.
“In the House, we have already taken steps toward reforming the VA with the bipartisan passage of a measure that would give the secretary greater latitude in removing senior officials in the agency. I wish the Senate would follow our lead. In the meantime, there are a number of proposals being offered to improve the VA and its service to veterans and I am eager to examine each one on its own merits. At the very least, this pokes a very large hole in the belief that government is the first and best solution to health care needs.”
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Will you fight for Pennsylvania marriage?
A post from my friend Mary Ann:
Will you fight for Pennsylvania marriage?
Please contact Governor Corbett right now and let him know you insist he appeal the homosexual “marriage” ruling!! 717-787-2500 (Policy Office 1-717-772-9003, Corbett's Philadelphia Office 1-215-560-2640,
Corbett's Pittsburgh Office 1-412-565-5700.)
Wed., Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett said he will not appeal Tuesday’s ruling by a federal judge that overturned the state’s ban on gay marriage.
IMHO this is unconscionable!! Corbett had 30 days to appeal the ruling to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and could have asked Jones to stay his ruling until an appeal was heard..... In this most serious, society altering matter, It is prudent to let the dust settle and ask for help for an appeal from the brilliant, courageous constitutional attorneys and legal scholars that collectively are working on this very same issue to defend traditional marriage????
From Corbett's statement:“Given the high legal threshold set forth by Judge Jones in this case, the case is extremely unlikely to succeed on appeal,” ( Unlikely does not mean impossible!!) “Therefore, after review of the opinion and on the advice of my Commonwealth legal team, I have decided not to appeal Judge Jones’ decision. “As a Roman Catholic, the traditional teaching of my faith has not wavered. (It just did!!) I continue to maintain the belief that marriage is between one man and one woman. My duties as Governor require that I follow the laws as interpreted by the courts and make a judgment as to the likelihood of a successful appeal. ( Apparently the THE LAW allows for an appeal! )
“Throughout the debate on this important and meaningful issue, I have maintained that Commonwealth officials and agencies would follow the provisions of Pennsylvania’s marriage law unless or until a court says otherwise. The court has spoken, (one liberal justice has spoken! )and I will ensure that my administration follows the provisions of Judge Jones’ order with respect for all parties. It is my hope that as the important issue of same-sex relationships continues to be addressed in our society, that all involved be treated with respect.” (Empty Rhetoric!! As in a cancer that is metastasizing if left unchecked, This unchallenged decision in Pa. joins the 18 other states in the systematic well orchestrated destruction of the family, area of adoption, education, freedom of speech etc! It was important to seize the moment NOW while the opportunity presented itself! )
Will you fight for Pennsylvania marriage?
Please contact Governor Corbett right now and let him know you insist he appeal the homosexual “marriage” ruling!! 717-787-2500 (Policy Office 1-717-772-9003, Corbett's Philadelphia Office 1-215-560-2640,
Corbett's Pittsburgh Office 1-412-565-5700.)
Wed., Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett said he will not appeal Tuesday’s ruling by a federal judge that overturned the state’s ban on gay marriage.
IMHO this is unconscionable!! Corbett had 30 days to appeal the ruling to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and could have asked Jones to stay his ruling until an appeal was heard..... In this most serious, society altering matter, It is prudent to let the dust settle and ask for help for an appeal from the brilliant, courageous constitutional attorneys and legal scholars that collectively are working on this very same issue to defend traditional marriage????
From Corbett's statement:“Given the high legal threshold set forth by Judge Jones in this case, the case is extremely unlikely to succeed on appeal,” ( Unlikely does not mean impossible!!) “Therefore, after review of the opinion and on the advice of my Commonwealth legal team, I have decided not to appeal Judge Jones’ decision. “As a Roman Catholic, the traditional teaching of my faith has not wavered. (It just did!!) I continue to maintain the belief that marriage is between one man and one woman. My duties as Governor require that I follow the laws as interpreted by the courts and make a judgment as to the likelihood of a successful appeal. ( Apparently the THE LAW allows for an appeal! )
“Throughout the debate on this important and meaningful issue, I have maintained that Commonwealth officials and agencies would follow the provisions of Pennsylvania’s marriage law unless or until a court says otherwise. The court has spoken, (one liberal justice has spoken! )and I will ensure that my administration follows the provisions of Judge Jones’ order with respect for all parties. It is my hope that as the important issue of same-sex relationships continues to be addressed in our society, that all involved be treated with respect.” (Empty Rhetoric!! As in a cancer that is metastasizing if left unchecked, This unchallenged decision in Pa. joins the 18 other states in the systematic well orchestrated destruction of the family, area of adoption, education, freedom of speech etc! It was important to seize the moment NOW while the opportunity presented itself! )
Dear Friends, U.S. District Judge John Jones has ruled against
Pennsylvania’s real marriage law.
This fight all started last year when your state
attorney general Kathleen Kane refused to do her
job and defend real marriage when it was challenged
in court.
Next, a local county clerk went rouge and started
issuing marriage licenses to whomever he liked.
Public Advocate supporters rallied, but Governor
Corbett only took limited action.
And now, he is refusing to appeal Judge Jone’s
Please contact the governor’s office right away
and insist that he do everything in his power to
preserve Pennsylvania’s real marriage law.
For the Family! |
Friday, May 16, 2014
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Monday, May 12, 2014
Friday, May 09, 2014
Cleveland Abortion Patient’s Death and Identity Confirmed
April 1, 2014 by Operation Rescue
Pro-life leaders will conduct a press conference on Wednesday and are calling for an emergency suspension of Preterm’s abortion facility license.
Cleveland, OH – Operation Rescue has confirmed death and the identity of a patient of the Preterm abortion facility in Cleveland, Ohio, who was transported to University Hospital Case Medical Center on Friday, March 21, 2014.
Lakisha Wilson, 22, a Black female, died after transport from the abortion clinic to the hospital. According to a statement released by the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office: Visit: Operation Rescue
Lakisha Wilson, 22, a Black female, died after transport from the abortion clinic to the hospital. According to a statement released by the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office: Visit: Operation Rescue
Monday, May 05, 2014
Kickstarter Funded ‘After Tiller’ Abortionist Documentary, Rejected Gosnell Movie
Talk about blatant bias. Although crowdfunded site Kickstarter refused the makers of the new Gosnell movie permission to fundraise, the same company hosted the recent “After Tiller” late-term abortionist documentary. Visit:
Kickstarter Funded ‘After Tiller’ Abortionist Documentary, Rejected Gosnell Movie
Kickstarter Funded ‘After Tiller’ Abortionist Documentary, Rejected Gosnell Movie
Krauthammer debunks Rand Paul's excuse to keep abortion legal
Rand Paul heads to the mushy middle on abortion and Krauthammer debunks his excuse.
Krauthammer debunks Rand Paul's excuse to keep abortion legal
Krauthammer debunks Rand Paul's excuse to keep abortion legal
Krauthammer debunks Rand Paul's excuse to keep abortion legal
Rand Paul heads to the mushy middle on abortion and Krauthammer debunks Paul's excuse. Visit:
Krauthammer debunks Rand Paul's excuse to keep abortion legal
Krauthammer debunks Rand Paul's excuse to keep abortion legal
Thursday, May 01, 2014
Notre Dame President Marks Papal Canonizations with Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament
Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins, C.S.C., apparently won't miss any opportunity to advance his liberal agenda. Of the recent canonizations of Pope John the XXIII and Pope John Paul II he said:
“Their canonizations could not come at a more propitious time. The rich teachings of the Vatican Council, convened by the former, stirred the evangelization of the latter. In Pacem in Terris, Pope John XXIII said plainly that ‘nuclear weapons must be banned,’ and Pope John Paul II inspired the collapse of tyranny without a shot being fired. Nuclear weapons still threaten annihilation, and tyrannical regimes still threaten neighbors. - See more at: http://www.cardinalnewmansociety.org/CatholicEducationDaily/DetailsPage/tabid/102/ArticleID/3243/Notre-Dame-President-Marks-Papal-Canonizations-with-Promotion-of-Nuclear-Disarmament.aspx#sthash.lAzpr4jY.9JfPSzKt.dpuf
While Pope John Paul II may have inspired the collapse of tyranny, Lech Walesa and President Ronald Reagan also had a lot to do with it. At the Berlin Wall President Reagan said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." The economic collapse of the Soviet Union and the fact that Reagan stood for a strong military had plenty to do with the Soviet Union's collapse. But now with a weak President like Obama we see a resurgence in Vladimir Putin's quest for more territory as evidenced by his recent military activities in Ukraine. Seriously, does anyone think Putin will disarm because any Pope says so? Please people, live in the real world.
Notre Dame President Marks Papal Canonizations with Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament
“Their canonizations could not come at a more propitious time. The rich teachings of the Vatican Council, convened by the former, stirred the evangelization of the latter. In Pacem in Terris, Pope John XXIII said plainly that ‘nuclear weapons must be banned,’ and Pope John Paul II inspired the collapse of tyranny without a shot being fired. Nuclear weapons still threaten annihilation, and tyrannical regimes still threaten neighbors. - See more at: http://www.cardinalnewmansociety.org/CatholicEducationDaily/DetailsPage/tabid/102/ArticleID/3243/Notre-Dame-President-Marks-Papal-Canonizations-with-Promotion-of-Nuclear-Disarmament.aspx#sthash.lAzpr4jY.9JfPSzKt.dpuf
While Pope John Paul II may have inspired the collapse of tyranny, Lech Walesa and President Ronald Reagan also had a lot to do with it. At the Berlin Wall President Reagan said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." The economic collapse of the Soviet Union and the fact that Reagan stood for a strong military had plenty to do with the Soviet Union's collapse. But now with a weak President like Obama we see a resurgence in Vladimir Putin's quest for more territory as evidenced by his recent military activities in Ukraine. Seriously, does anyone think Putin will disarm because any Pope says so? Please people, live in the real world.
Notre Dame President Marks Papal Canonizations with Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament
Monday, April 21, 2014
Monday, April 14, 2014
Mom Gives Birth in a Coma After Horrific Crash, Wakes Up Three Days Later
A young woman has given birth despite being in a coma following a
horrific crash. Fortunately, she awoke three days later to be able to
spend her life with her new baby.
Wei Liu, 30, gave birth while in a coma in hospital after the
horrific crash and didn’t know she had a new son until she awoke from
the coma. Visit:
Mom Gives Birth in a Coma After Horrific Crash, Wakes Up Three Days Later
Mom Gives Birth in a Coma After Horrific Crash, Wakes Up Three Days Later
Monday, April 07, 2014
PA Leadership Conference 2014 Rick Santorum - YouTube
PA Leadership Conference 2014 Rick Santorum - YouTube: ""
This is a beautiful talk that gets to the heart of why Republicans need to embrace the whole conservative message, both economic and social. Please listen to the whole talk it is well worth your time, and Santorum's work at Patriot Voices is worth your support.
'via Blog this'
This is a beautiful talk that gets to the heart of why Republicans need to embrace the whole conservative message, both economic and social. Please listen to the whole talk it is well worth your time, and Santorum's work at Patriot Voices is worth your support.
'via Blog this'
Thursday, April 03, 2014
McCutcheon v. FEC
James Madison Center for Free Speech
1 South 6th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807-3510
1 South 6th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807-3510
April 2, 2014
Contact: James Bopp, Jr.
April 2, 2014
Contact: James Bopp, Jr.
Supreme Court Strikes Limit on Number of Political Contributions
Today, the U.S. Supreme struck down federal “aggregate limits” on how much an individual may spend on otherwise legal contributions in a two-year election cycle to federal candidates, political parties, and political action committees (“PACs”). The case is McCutcheon v. FEC.
For example, though an individual may legally give $5,200 to each candidate in a two year election cycle, the aggregate limit restricts his total contributions to candidates to $48,600. Thus, an individual may give the full legal amount to only nine candidates.
Also struck down was an aggregate limit of $74,600 to all political parties and PACs, of which no more than $48,600 could go to all PACs and state political parties. In the alternative, all $74,600 could go to the three national political committees of each political party.
The Court found no government interest justifying aggregate limits. No anti-corruption interest justifies them because that interest is already addressed by “base limits,” which restrict how much an individual may give to a particular candidate, political party, or PAC. For example, Congress eliminated the quid-pro-quo corruption risk by limiting an individual’s contribution to a candidate to $2,600 per election.
And there is also no anti-circumvention interest because other provisions of the federal campaign finance law prevents a particular candidate from receiving a contribution in excess of $5,200 from a particular donor. So the aggregate limits serve no constitutionally permissible purpose.
Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Republican National Committee (one of two McCutcheon plaintiffs) comments: “Today’s decision is an important first step toward restoring the voice of candidates and party committees and a vindication for all those who support robust, transparent political discourse. I am pleased that the Court agreed that limits on how many candidates or committees a person may support unconstitutionally burden core First Amendment political activities. When free speech is allowed to flourish, our democracy is stronger.”
James Bopp, Jr., lead attorney for RNC in the case says: “This is a great triumph for the First Amendment. A robust republic requires free speech and association, which means no limits on how many candidates an individual may support with a legal contribution. Congress allows contributions to nine candidates, but not ten. How could giving to candidate number ten cause any corruption if giving to candidates one through nine doesn’t?”
“This is also a great victory for political parties, who have been disadvantaged recently by the rise of super-PACs. Political parties serve vital purposes, such as tempering polarization, and this is a step in the right direction to re-empower them,” adds Bopp.
Furthermore, says Bopp: “The Court also rejected the FEC’s ‘wild hypotheticals’ about corruption that suggest fanciful scenarios that are otherwise illegal under current federal law. First Amendment rights cannot be suppressed by mere speculation or a vivid imagination.”
The case briefing is at http://www.jamesmadisoncenter. org/cases/42-mccutcheon-fec. html. The opinion is at http://www.supremecourt.gov/ opinions/slipopinions.aspx? Term=13.
James Bopp, Jr. served as counsel of record for Plaintiff/Appellant Republican National Committee and was their lead counsel in the United States Supreme Court. He and his law firm represented all parties, including McCutcheon, in the District Court and in filing the successful appeal to the Supreme Court. They created the legal analysis on which the Supreme Court based its decision, which was set out in their briefs for the RNC. This case builds on Citizens United v. FEC and FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life, prior Supreme Court cases the law firm handled, that are central to the Court’s reaffirmation of First Amendment liberty in the political-speech arena.
'via Blog this'
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Monday, March 17, 2014
Zolpidem Miracle
This is not an isolated case. In Sept. 12, 2006, The Guardian reported that Louis Viljoen, a South African man in a persistent vegetative(PVS) state since 1994, woke fully and began talking in 1999 when doctors gave him zolpidem . Dr. Wally Nel is quoted in the Guardian as saying, "Something strange and wonderful is happening here and we have to get to the bottom of it." Since Louis, Dr. Nel told the Guardian he has treated more than 150 brain damaged patients with zolpidem and has seen improvements in 60% of them.
Friday, March 07, 2014
Cruz on Obama Nominee: Those Who Advocate For Cop Killers Aren't Suited For Leadership at DOJ - Katie Pavlich
Speaking on the Senate floor Tuesday afternoon, Texas Senator Ted Cruz expressed his strong opposition to President Obama's nominee, Debo Adegbile, to head the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice. During his time in leadership at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund [LDF], Adegbile volunteered to advocate for convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal, who murdered Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981. In 2011, LDF attorneys were successful in getting Abu-Jamal's death sentence overturned.
"Mr. President, this is insulting to law enforcement officers everywhere," Cruz saidCruz on Obama Nominee: Those Who Advocate For Cop Killers Aren't Suited For Leadership at DOJ - Katie Pavlich:
The Inevitability of Obamacare for Illegal Aliens - Michelle Malkin - Page 1
In Oregon this week, officials confessed that nearly 4,000 illegal immigrants had been "accidentally" steered from the state's low-income Medicaid program and instead were enrolled in Obamacare in violation of the law. Oopsie. The Oregonian newspaper's Nick Budnick reported that the health bureaucrats "discovered the problem several weeks ago and are correcting it." Get in line. The beleaguered Cover Oregon health insurance exchange has been riddled with ongoing problems, errors and glitches since last October that have yet to be fixed. Take note: This wasn't a one-time computer meltdown. Because Oregon's health insurance exchange website has been offline and its software architects under investigation for possible fraud, the Oregon Obamacare drones have been processing each and every application manually." Visit:
The Inevitability of Obamacare for Illegal Aliens - Michelle Malkin - Page 1:
The Inevitability of Obamacare for Illegal Aliens - Michelle Malkin - Page 1:
Monday, March 03, 2014
Miss Pennsylvania Valerie Gatto Was Conceived in Rape, Glad She Wasn't Aborted | LifeNews.com
"While many people, some pro-life advocates included, think abortion should be a “choice” in cases of rape or incest, Valerie personifies that debate and puts a human face on the fact that unborn children conceived in rape are human beings indeed and deserve to have their right to life protected." Visit:
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Michele Bachmann: Join the Movement to Demand Obama's Impeachment
"Grassroots activists, lawmakers, journalists, and other prominent media figures are now calling for Barack Obama to be removed from office as he is openly bent on taking it upon himself to write, change, or ignore laws — completely bypassing the legislative branch, and, as such, completely abusing his power. He even brags about it, proudly proclaiming “I can do whatever I want” for goodness’ sake. Michele Bachmann, a former presidential candidate and Tea Party favorite, says that Obama’s disregard for the Constitution is setting dangerous precedents which will eventually lead to the “establishment of lawlessness in the United States.”" Visit:
Michele Bachmann: Join the Movement to Demand Obama's Impeachment:
Michele Bachmann: Join the Movement to Demand Obama's Impeachment:
Monday, February 24, 2014
Midterms: Chris Matthews sees Dems losing as many as 10 seats in the Senate
Unfortunately, it looks like reality is starting to seep through the cracks in the MSNBC host’s shaky foundation. Yesterday, Matthews appeared on Meet The Press, and he was very worried about the 2014 midterms. For him, achieving “the best case scenario” would mean losing “only” five Senate seats. He calls that possibility “rosy,” and laments the fact that it’s easy to see Dems losing as many as ten." Midterms: Chris Matthews sees Dems losing as many as 10 seats in the Senate: I'm not buying it. This is probably just an attempt to motivate the base.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Judgement Day
"Judgment Day by Congressman Henry Hyde
When the time comes, as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the Final Judgment, I’ve often thought, as Bishop Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates. You are there standing alone before God, and the terror will grip your soul like nothing you can imagine.
But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world, but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world. They will plead for everyone who has ever been in this movement. They will say to God, “Spare him because he loved us.” And God will look at you and not say, “Did you succeed?” Rather, He will say, “Did you try?”"
When the time comes, as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the Final Judgment, I’ve often thought, as Bishop Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates. You are there standing alone before God, and the terror will grip your soul like nothing you can imagine.
But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world, but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world. They will plead for everyone who has ever been in this movement. They will say to God, “Spare him because he loved us.” And God will look at you and not say, “Did you succeed?” Rather, He will say, “Did you try?”"
Monday, February 17, 2014
Articles: Jahi McMath is Alive
"Jahi's mother sought to have her daughter evaluated and cared for in an institution other than CHMC (Children's Hospital Medical Center Oakland,California), where the events leading to her daughter's "brain death" occurred. A confounding factor is that by California law, the financial damages in the case of death of a child are limited to $250,000, whereas lifetime care of a brain-injured child runs into the millions. Another California girl, Rebecca Jimenez, had severe neurological damage after similar surgery in 2011 and received a multi-million dollar settlement from CHMC. " Visit: Articles: Jahi McMath is Alive:
Could the hospital's hasty pronouncement of 'brain death" in Jahi's case be for the hospital's financial benefit?
Could the hospital's hasty pronouncement of 'brain death" in Jahi's case be for the hospital's financial benefit?
Federal Court Enjoins Montana Law Requiring Complete Disclosure of Candidate's Voting Record
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Contact: James Bopp, Jr.
Federal Court Enjoins Montana Law Requiring Complete Disclosure of Candidate's Voting Record
Tuesday, a federal court permanently enjoined a Montana law requiring those that published campaign materials about a legislator's record to include every vote that legislator has made on that issue.
A challenge to the law was brought by Mr. Matthew Monforton, a candidate for Montana House District 69, who is running in the 2014 Republican primary against encumbent Ted Washburn. As part of his campaign, Mr. Monforton intends to expose Rep. Washburn's flipflopping voting record on Obamacare on a billboard and by letter to constituents.
Under the law, for Mr. Monforton to publish materials about Rep. Washburn's record, he must include a complete list of all of Rep. Washburn's votes "on the same issue." "Rep. Washburn has been all over the map when it comes to Obamacare votes," says Monforton."There's not enough room on the billboard and my letter would have to be several pages long to detail all of Washburn's flipflopping." The suit was brought against Commissioner of Political Practices Jonathan Motl, Attorney General Tim Fox, and two county attorneys that can enforce the law. They all conceded in court filings that the law was unconstitutional and that they should be enjoined from enforcing it.
James Bopp, Jr., the attorney for Mr. Monforton, stated "The court was right to strike down the law as unconstitutional and enjoin its enforcement. Not only is the law unclear about what it requires, it requires a speaker to engage in political speech only in a certain way and with considerable effort, undermining the speaker's ability to say what he wants, how he wants, and when he wants." "An injunction was necessary," he continues, "because nothing prevents the State from changing its mind. Commissioner Motl or his successors can change the Commission's position on the validity and interpretation of the law at anytime, as we've seen in the recent Welch advisory opinion issued by the office."
The case is Monforton v. Motl, 6:14-cv-00002. The Complaint can be found athttp://www.jamesmadisoncenter. org/cases/files/monforton- motl/complaint.pdf, and the Permanent Injunction Order is available athttp://www.jamesmadisoncenter. org/cases/files/monforton- motl/court-order-opinion.pdf.
James Bopp, Jr. has a national constitutional law practice with The Bopp Law Firm, P.C.
The Bopp Law Firm, PC
The National Building
1 South 6th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807-3510