Teen Strangled Her Newborn Baby, Wrapped Him in a Bag, Stuffed Him in the Trash

She told police she panicked after giving birth in the shop’s bathroom because her mother, from whom she had been hiding her pregnancy, was waiting outside. Employees at the Salvation Army store in Streamwood found the almost 7-pound baby dead in the trash, wrapped in a plastic bag.

Teen Strangled Her Newborn Baby, Wrapped Him in a Bag, Stuffed Him in the Trash

Abortion “Doctor” Who Left Decapitated Unborn Baby Inside Mother Has License Suspended

“Given the facts that Alexander suffers from mental illness, has a long string of documented botched abortions, and was operating in such squalid conditions that it made Kermit Gosnell look like ‘Mr. Good Housekeeping,’ it is unfathomable that this Board could even entertain the possibility that Alexander could soon resume his practice,” said Troy Newman President of Operation Rescue. “We can only hope that Alexander never has access to $75,000 to pay his fine and get his license back. If anyone should be permanently barred from the practice of medicine, it is Robert Alexander.”  Visit:

Abortion “Doctor” Who Left Decapitated Unborn Baby Inside Mother Has License Suspended

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Drop Box – Official Full Movie Trailer

Call your local theater to see if they are running this movie

Governors: GOP sweep; Wis. gives Walker 3rd win | CNS News

Republicans swept governor's races across the country Tuesday, holding on to control of key swing states like Florida, Michigan and Ohio and scoring upsets in Democratic bastions like Maryland, Massachusetts and Illinois. Among the victors was Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a conservative darling who won his third election in four years  Visit:  .Governors: GOP sweep; Wis. gives Walker 3rd win | CNS News
Election Results in 2014 Governor's Races

Only fifteen of the fifty states did NOT hold an election for governor in 2014.
Of the thirty-five states with a governor’s race, as of about 1:00 AM November 5th, twenty-five of those states elected a Republican governor.  The Republican (red) states were mostly in the south and mid- west.  Democrat governors were elected in California, Oregon, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.  Several states did not have enough results in to call a winner at this

Monday, November 03, 2014

A letter to Brittany Maynard

Maggie Karner, also diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer, makes a video appeal on Oct. 29, 2014,

to Brittany Maynard, who is also terminally ill, but contemplating suicide on Nov. 1, 2014.   Maynard

took her own life on Nov 1, 2014.  It is doubtful that she saw any of the appeals made by numerous individuals to persuade her to choose life.