Justina Pelletier’s Family Promises to Sue Massachusetts for Abducting Their Daughter

Lou Pelletier told MailOnline that he will not mince words now that he is no longer gagged and Justina is home.

“I am still very angry at the psychiatrists, Boston Children’s Hospital, and the Department of Families and Children for putting Justina through this. My daughter was used as a lab rat, a cruel experiment.

They tried to gag me, to prevent me from telling what was going on. Can you imagine what would have happened to Justina if I hadn’t gone public?  Justina who once was able to ice skate is now confined to a wheel chair.
Justina Pelletier’s Family Promises to Sue Massachusetts for Abducting Their Daughter

Judge Stops Texas Man’s Estranged Wife From Starving Him to Death

Last Friday, Terry Dean Martin was admitted to Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas – Beaumont Campus due to complications associated with his kidneys.  On Sunday night at approximately 11:00 PM, Terry Martin’s heart stopped beating.  Martin was immediately provided with emergency medical treatment and is somewhat responsive but has not regained complete consciousness.  Martin is currently being provided with life-sustaining treatment including a ventilator, nutrition, and hydration.

Gary and Angela Martin immediately drove from Oklahoma to Beaumont upon learning of the news.  Terry Martin and his estranged wife, Debi Martin, have been separated for over nine years.  On Monday, Debi Martin, who lives in the Beaumont area, arrived at the hospital seeking to have all life-sustaining treatment removed immediately.  Terry Martin’s estate includes a 23-acre tract of land with a 2,000 sq. ft. home.  Debi Martin is believed to be the beneficiary of his Terry Martin’s $150,000 life insurance policy.  Visit:  Judge Stops Texas Man’s Estranged Wife From Starving Him to Death

A new direction for Republicans outlined by Michael Needham CEO Heritage Action for America

Heritage Action for America (If you  are reading this, click to display images in your email program.)

Time for Choosing

Fellow conservative,
A political earthquake rocked Washington, DC last night.
The implications of Dave Brat's stunning victory go well beyond politics, however. As the Weekly Standard's William Kristol explained, the race became "a broad populist case for a Republican party focused on Main Street and Middle America, not on Wall Street and corporate interests."
For the past four years, Heritage Action has been making the case that conservatives should not be in the business of protecting or justifying corporate welfare. Instead, we should confront the Bigs – Big Wall Street, Big Government, Big Labor, Big Education and Big Business – head on, and fight for the conservative policy solutions that will save the country, not simply those that help the well connected.
And last night, voters made DC listen.
Thank you for all you have done to advance conservative policy.

Michael A. Needham
Chief Executive Officer
Heritage Action for America

Rocket Fuel
Heritage Action for America | 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20002

Friday, June 06, 2014

D-Day at 70: When Order Triumphed Over Evil

This June 6th marks the seventieth anniversary of the D-Day Normandy landings. While not the largest amphibious operation in history, it is perhaps the most significant. Europe was pinned beneath the boot of National Socialism, a godless, gnostic sect that swept God from public life. The Normandy invasion spelled the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany.  Visit: D-Day at 70: When Order Triumphed Over Evil