Friday, May 30, 2014

Barletta on VA Scandal

Barletta Statement Resignation of Secretary Shinseki
WASHINGTON – Congressman Lou Barletta, PA-11, today issued a statement regarding the resignation of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki following a meeting with President Obama at the White House.  The resignation comes on the heels of an Inspector General’s report that found that 1,700 veterans were kept on unofficial waiting lists at a Phoenix VA hospital and waited an average of 115 days for treatment.  Additionally, the report found that information was manipulated to conceal the length of time patients waited for medical attention.  The report also found the problem to be systemic and not limited to the Phoenix facility.  At least forty veterans are reported to have died while waiting for treatment.
Barletta’s statement is as follows:
“I have always believed that cabinet members serve at the pleasure of the president, and in this case President Obama clearly felt that Secretary Shinseki could no longer adequately lead an agency that has suffered such a scandal and loss of public confidence.  I thank General Shinseki for his long and distinguished career in service to his country.  I also note that this is one event in this sad affair that the president will not have to learn about from the news media.
“The deplorable treatment of veterans at VA medical facilities is something that no American should tolerate.  The Inspector General’s report is yet more evidence that the problem is systemic, widespread, and certainly not limited to one hospital in Phoenix.  I continue to believe that a Department of Justice investigation is warranted to determine the full scope of the flaws and to identify responsible parties.
“In the House, we have already taken steps toward reforming the VA with the bipartisan passage of a measure that would give the secretary greater latitude in removing senior officials in the agency.  I wish the Senate would follow our lead.  In the meantime, there are a number of proposals being offered to improve the VA and its service to veterans and I am eager to examine each one on its own merits.  At the very least, this pokes a very large hole in the belief that government is the first and best solution to health care needs.”

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Will you fight for Pennsylvania marriage?

A post from my friend Mary Ann: 
Will you fight for Pennsylvania marriage?
Please contact Governor Corbett right now
and let him know you insist he appeal the homosexual “marriage” ruling
!!  717-787-2500 (Policy Office 1-717-772-9003, Corbett's Philadelphia Office 1-215-560-2640,
Corbett's Pittsburgh Office 1-412-565-5700.)
Wed., Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett said he will not appeal Tuesday’s ruling by a federal judge that overturned the state’s ban on gay marriage.

IMHO this is unconscionable!!  Corbett had 30 days to appeal the ruling to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and could have asked Jones to stay his ruling until an appeal was heard.....  In this most serious, society altering  matter,  It is  prudent to let the dust settle and ask for help for an appeal from the  brilliant, courageous  constitutional attorneys and legal scholars that collectively are working on this very same issue to defend traditional marriage????    
From Corbett's statement:“Given the high legal threshold set forth by Judge Jones in this case, the case is extremely unlikely to succeed on appeal,”   ( Unlikely does not mean impossible!!)  “Therefore, after review of the opinion and on the advice of my Commonwealth legal team, I have decided not to appeal Judge Jones’ decision. “As a Roman Catholic, the traditional teaching of my faith has not wavered. (It just did!!) I continue to maintain the belief that marriage is between one man and one woman. My duties as Governor require that I follow the laws as interpreted by the courts and make a judgment as to the likelihood of a successful appeal.  ( Apparently the THE LAW allows for an appeal! )

“Throughout the debate on this important and meaningful issue, I have maintained that Commonwealth officials and agencies would follow the provisions of Pennsylvania’s marriage law unless or until a court says otherwise. The court has spoken,  (one liberal justice has spoken! )and I will ensure that my administration follows the provisions of Judge Jones’ order with respect for all parties. It is my hope that as the important issue of same-sex relationships continues to be addressed in our society, that all involved be treated with respect.” (Empty Rhetoric!!   As in a cancer that is metastasizing if left unchecked, This unchallenged decision in Pa. joins the 18 other states in the systematic well orchestrated destruction of the family, area of adoption, education, freedom of speech etc!  It was important to seize the moment  NOW   while the opportunity  presented itself! ) 

Dear Friends,

U.S. District Judge John Jones has ruled against
Pennsylvania’s real marriage law.

This fight all started last year when your state
attorney general Kathleen Kane refused to do her
job and defend real marriage when it was challenged
in court.

Next, a local county clerk went rouge and started
 issuing marriage licenses to whomever he liked.

Public Advocate supporters rallied, but Governor
Corbett only took limited action.

And now, he is refusing to appeal Judge Jone’s

Please contact the governor’s office right away
and insist that he do everything in his power to
preserve Pennsylvania’s real marriage law.
For the Family!

Friday, May 09, 2014

Cleveland Abortion Patient’s Death and Identity Confirmed

Monday, May 05, 2014

Kickstarter Funded ‘After Tiller’ Abortionist Documentary, Rejected Gosnell Movie

Talk about blatant bias. Although crowdfunded site Kickstarter refused the makers of the new Gosnell movie permission to fundraise, the same company hosted the recent “After Tiller” late-term abortionist documentary.  Visit:

Kickstarter Funded ‘After Tiller’ Abortionist Documentary, Rejected Gosnell Movie

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Notre Dame President Marks Papal Canonizations with Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament

Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins, C.S.C., apparently won't miss any opportunity to advance his liberal agenda.  Of the recent canonizations of Pope John the XXIII and Pope John Paul II he said:

“Their canonizations could not come at a more propitious time. The rich teachings of the Vatican Council, convened by the former, stirred the evangelization of the latter. In Pacem in Terris, Pope John XXIII said plainly that ‘nuclear weapons must be banned,’ and Pope John Paul II inspired the collapse of tyranny without a shot being fired. Nuclear weapons still threaten annihilation, and tyrannical regimes still threaten neighbors. - See more at:

While Pope John Paul II may have inspired the collapse of tyranny, Lech Walesa and President Ronald Reagan also had a lot to do with it.  At the Berlin Wall President Reagan said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."  The economic collapse of the Soviet Union and the fact that Reagan stood for a strong military had plenty to do with the Soviet Union's collapse.  But now with a weak President like Obama we see a resurgence in Vladimir Putin's quest for more territory as evidenced by his recent military activities in Ukraine.  Seriously, does anyone think Putin will disarm because any Pope says so?  Please people, live in the real world.

Notre Dame President Marks Papal Canonizations with Promotion of Nuclear Disarmament