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Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Sharing the Pain of My Abortion Brings Back Haunting Memories |
One participant in the March for Life shares her grief over her abortion : "Today, the guilt hit me like a ton of bricks as I was walking passed the maternity section in a department store. I was on my way to find the restroom, and as I arrived there, I couldn’t breathe. I went into a stall and I wept." The story continues at:
Sharing the Pain of My Abortion Brings Back Haunting Memories |
At annual March for Life, crowds show endurance, passion to continue | National Catholic Reporter
At annual March for Life, crowds show endurance, passion to continue | National Catholic Reporter: "Jeanne Monahan, new president of the March for Life Education & Defense Fund, is 40 -- just as old as the 1973 Supreme Court decision and the movement protesting it.
Monahan praised Gray for her long dedication to the cause and several speakers also credited her for getting the pro-life movement on its feet with the first march and leading each one until her death. During the rally, a video tribute to her was shown on the giant Jumbotron."
Monahan praised Gray for her long dedication to the cause and several speakers also credited her for getting the pro-life movement on its feet with the first march and leading each one until her death. During the rally, a video tribute to her was shown on the giant Jumbotron."
Conference Draws Pro-Life Advocates - News - The Hoya
Pro-life advocate Helen Alvaré opened a discussion of ideology and best practices at the Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life in Gaston Hall Saturday.
The conference attracted about 650 students and advocates from across the country who were already in Washington, D.C, for the March for Life, which took place the previous day.Conference Draws Pro-Life Advocates - News - The Hoya
Monday, January 28, 2013
Did I See you at the March for Life by Ted Meehan
Did I See you at the March for Life by Ted Meehan
Those of us at the March, are not privy to whatever coverage this annual event receives. But, one suspects that a mass of pro-abortion feminists that was 1/10 this size would receive wall to wall gushing media by those who bring us our news. But we are used to the obfuscation and distortion of the news media, and we continue to arrive year after year - hoping that some year they will listen.
If the estimate of this turnout of 500,000 is correct, this number would be less than half the number of surgical abortions committed each year. Several times this amount are believed to take place with chemical abortions. We are destroying the future.
If any medical threat was responsible for such a massive loss of life for 40 years, would someone have started to hand out a colored bracelet? Or initiated some type of fund raising event that received massive public support?
If we lost between 1.2 million and 1.5 million in a war - for 40 years - would there be disruptive anti-war protests? Wouldn't supporters of such massive carnage be politically radioactive?
How is it that we have become so numb, and so apathetic, as a nation to this annual destruction of innocent human life? Those who stand for Life have been called extremists for so long, that pro-life people are reticent to admit to their own reverence for the sanctity of life. Can this be possible?
The strength and inspiration that we receive from one another at the March must strengthen our resolve to be "in the face" of the enemies of Life. We can't back down. We must recognize the massive evil that is taking place in silence and in the face of national apathy - or approval.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
Friday, January 25, 2013
Mom Carrying quads, told to abort two Doesn't - San Antonio mom's four bundles of joy | Houston
San Antonio mom's four bundles of joy | Houston: "Minor said early on doctors suggested she abort one set of twins. "I was depressed for a while, but I was like, 'God gave me these kids for a reason, so I'm not going to abort,'" Minor said."
"Mass For Life With Young People Fri. Jan. 25 at 7 PM ET Catholic Television Network | EWTN
Catholic Television Network | EWTN: "Mass For Life With Young People
Fri. Jan. 25 at 7 PM ET
Youth from around the nation gather to pray for an end to abortion at the Mass for Life hosted by the Archdiocese of Washington. His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl will be the celebrant and homilist."
Fri. Jan. 25 at 7 PM ET
Youth from around the nation gather to pray for an end to abortion at the Mass for Life hosted by the Archdiocese of Washington. His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl will be the celebrant and homilist."
"Saint Gianna Beretta Molla: A Modern Day Hero Of Divine Love Fri. Jan. 25 at 6:30 PM ET Catholic Television Network | EWTN
Catholic Television Network | EWTN: "Saint Gianna Beretta Molla: A Modern Day Hero Of Divine Love
Fri. Jan. 25 at 6:30 PM ET
The life of St. Gianna Molla, which covers her parents' background, her childhood in Italy in the 1930's, and later her role as a physician, a wife and a mother."
Fri. Jan. 25 at 6:30 PM ET
The life of St. Gianna Molla, which covers her parents' background, her childhood in Italy in the 1930's, and later her role as a physician, a wife and a mother."
March for Life draws ardent protest against abortion
"As one abortion opponent after another addressed the crowd, Congressman Chris Smith of New Jersey drew the loudest applause with an attack on the court ruling: "Forty years ago this past Tuesday marks the Supreme Court's infamous, reckless and inhumane abandonment of women and babies to the abortionists.""
On day of March for Life, pray for unborns - Letters - Citizens' Voice
Today, hundreds of thousands of people will flood the streets of Washington, D.C., for the annual March for Life. This is a reminder that for 40 years, since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 legalized abortion at any time for any reason, every day has been Sept. 11 for the unborn.
On Sept. 11, 2001, nearly 4,000 people lost their lives in a terrorist attack on the United States. Every day since Jan. 22, 1973, close to 4,000 unborn children have been killed through abortion.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Aborted babies represented at Obama inauguration
From Jill Stanek's blog: "UDPATE: 1/22, 8:40a: Created Equal has posted several photos on Facebook of its outreach protest at President Obama’s inauguration yesterday. His motorcade had to pass the group twice. We pray the photos of the reality of abortion got through and pierced his soul – somehow, some way. Here are two of the best photos. Visit: Aborted babies represented at Obama inauguration:
Obama Motorcade Forced to Confront Pictures of Aborted Babies |
"The motorcade carrying President Barack Obama was forced to confront pictures of babies victimized by abortions. A pro-life group that took up a position along the presidential parade route set up graphic abortion pictures.
Mark Harrington, the director of the group Created Equal, talked about why his organization set them up.
“On January 21, 2013, President Obama put his hand on the Bible and swore ‘to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, so help me God.’ That same Constitution that he swore to uphold reads that we are to ‘secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.’ Our posterity is a reference to our offspring – preborn children," Visit:Obama Motorcade Forced to Confront Pictures of Aborted Babies |
Monday, January 21, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Planned Parenthood loses bid to delay Texas funding law -
I am posting articles relating to the Texas Women's Health Program to keep up to date on that program.
This article was updated Jan 1st : " A law going into effect Tuesday requires the state to fully fund women's health clinics with the exception of those that are affiliated with abortion providers. Previously, such establishments obtained 90% of their money through the Social Security Administration and other federal funding. Planned Parenthood, which provides abortions at some of its clinics, and fellow plaintiff Marcela Balquinta of McAllen, Texas, had filed the request for a temporary restraining order seeking exclusion from the new law, arguing the organization provides preventative women's health care not associated with abortions to nearly 50,000 Texas enrollees annually. Visit:Planned Parenthood loses bid to delay Texas funding law -
Judge denies injunction for Planned Parenthood |
January 11, 2013 from
"Planned Parenthood, Yelenosky ruled, met only one of two legal hurdles when it showed that being excluded from the health program would probably cause harm to the organization and the low-income women it serves. However, he added, Planned Parenthood failed to show that it would likely prevail in a full trial on its claim that state law doesn’t give Texas officials the authority to exclude the organization from the program.
Lawyer Pete Schenkkan said Planned Parenthood officials will decide whether to press ahead with that trial in hopes of winning a permanent injunction that would reverse Texas rules excluding Planned Parenthood’s health clinics because they are affiliated with other Planned Parenthood groups that provide abortions." Visit: Judge denies injunction for Planned Parenthood |
"Planned Parenthood, Yelenosky ruled, met only one of two legal hurdles when it showed that being excluded from the health program would probably cause harm to the organization and the low-income women it serves. However, he added, Planned Parenthood failed to show that it would likely prevail in a full trial on its claim that state law doesn’t give Texas officials the authority to exclude the organization from the program.
Lawyer Pete Schenkkan said Planned Parenthood officials will decide whether to press ahead with that trial in hopes of winning a permanent injunction that would reverse Texas rules excluding Planned Parenthood’s health clinics because they are affiliated with other Planned Parenthood groups that provide abortions." Visit: Judge denies injunction for Planned Parenthood |
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Healthcare program for women can take effect with Pro-Life rule! | Texas Right to Life
Healthcare program for women can take effect with Pro-Life rule! | Texas Right to Life: "While most legislators in the 83rd Legislative Session returned to their home districts to enjoy a long weekend, Texas Right to Life stayed at the Capitol for the latest court battle in which Planned Parenthood (PP) was hoping to score a victory for abortion rights today. However, in a surprising move, the judge, who was hand-picked by the abortion giant, denied PP’s request for a Temporary Injunction, green-lighting the Women’s Health Program to take effect without abortion providers in the program."
Monday, January 14, 2013
Bypassing Congress leads to dictatorship - Standard Speaker
An interesting article, "Bypassing Congress leads to dictatorship" by Judge Correale Stevens appeared in the January 13, 2013 opinion column of the Hazleton Standard Speaker. Stevens is a former member of the Pa. House of Representatives and instructor of political science at Penn State Hazleton Campus. To quote from the article,
"Just because a president wins re-election does not give a president authority to rule our county by executive order
"Just because a president wins re-election does not give a president authority to rule our county by executive order
Such a powerful tool is especially disturbing in any lame duck president who does not have to account to the voters directly again.
A democracy might not always be efficient. But the process must be open for discussion, public input, challenge and compromise. A president "by the stroke of a pen" bypassing the duly elected House and Senate members becomes a dictator, a king.
To have a chief executive bypass Congress by executive order goes against our history as a democratic country and makes a mockery of all the veterans who sacrificed their lives to protect our democratic form of government." Visit: Bypassing Congress leads to dictatorship - Standard Speaker:
ObamaCare mandate may force nuns devoted to the eldery to leave U.S. |
ObamaCare mandate may force nuns devoted to the eldery to leave U.S. | ( – "The Obama administration’s HHS mandate may force the Catholic Little Sisters of the Poor to cease their U.S. operations, according to Sister Constance Carolyn Veit, the religious order’s communications director." According to the article they operate hones for the elderly in thirty cities in the U.S.
"Sister Constance told The Daily Caller that the Little Sisters may not qualify for a religious exemption from ObamaCare’s requirement that employers provide coverage for contraceptives, sterilizations and abortion-causing drugs free of charge to female workers."
"Sister Constance told The Daily Caller that the Little Sisters may not qualify for a religious exemption from ObamaCare’s requirement that employers provide coverage for contraceptives, sterilizations and abortion-causing drugs free of charge to female workers."
Friday, January 11, 2013
Does Patriotism Matter? - Thomas Sowell - Page 1
An older, but very interesting column
Does Patriotism Matter? - Thomas Sowell - Page 1: "Perhaps nowhere was patriotism so downplayed or deplored than among intellectuals in the Western democracies in the two decades after the horrors of the First World War, fought under various nations' banners of patriotism.
In France, after the First World War, the teachers' unions launched a systematic purge of textbooks, in order to promote internationalism and pacifism."
Does Patriotism Matter? - Thomas Sowell - Page 1: "Perhaps nowhere was patriotism so downplayed or deplored than among intellectuals in the Western democracies in the two decades after the horrors of the First World War, fought under various nations' banners of patriotism.
In France, after the First World War, the teachers' unions launched a systematic purge of textbooks, in order to promote internationalism and pacifism."
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Tuesday, January 08, 2013
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Republicans Appoint More Minorities than Democrats
A Tale of Two Parties
Mainstream media bias evident in U.S. Senate appointment coverage
Given the portrait the mainstream news media has painted of the two major political parties, please identify which of the following actions were taken by the Democrat and which by the Republican:
Scenario One: A United States Senator resigns from office just two years into a six year term. The state's governor, whose parents immigrated to the United States from India, appoints to the office the first African-American from the South to sit in the upper chamber since the Civil War.
Scenario Two: A long-serving U.S. Senator, a war hero and an individual of Japanese-American heritage, on his death bed asks his state's governor to appoint to fill the remainder of his term a woman of similar ethnic background. The governor, a male Caucasian, spurns the request and appoints a political ally, his Lt. Governor, who also happens to be white.
If you attributed the first set of circumstances to Democrats and the second to Republicans you would fulfill the media stereotype of the two parties.
You would also be wrong.
U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) recently announced his resignation from the Senate to assume the presidency of the Heritage Foundation, one of the nation's leading conservative think tanks. Governor Nikki Haley, herself a rising star on the national Republican scene, appointed Congressman Tim Scott to represent the Palmetto State in the Senate. Congressman Scott, will be the first African-American from the South to serve in the U.S. Senate since the Civil War and the first Republican to do so since 1979 when Democrat Paul Tsongas defeated incumbent U.S. Senator Edward Brooke of Massachusetts.
Meanwhile, in the nation's 50th state, Governor Neil Abercrombie named Lt. Governor Brian Schatz to fill the seat vacated by the death of long-serving U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye. On his death bed Inouye, an honored hero of the Second World War, requested the appointment of Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa to represent Hawaii in the Senate. Abercrombie ignored the request.
Imagine if you will if the party identities of these two casts of characters had been reversed. What sort of fire storm would have ensued if a Republican governor had ignored the dying wish of a revered U.S. Senator of minority ethnicity to appoint a white party loyalist to the position?
Conversely, little mention has been made in the media about the historic nature of the Tim Scott appointment, largely because Mr. Scott is a conservative Republican. The ascendance of black conservatives does not fit the media narrative, so it was conveniently ignored.
The recent history of the Democratic Party when it comes to appointing minorities to open U.S. Senate seats is as abysmal as the current instance. Of the last seven vacancies, going back five years, only one has been a minority. That would be the 2008 appointment of Roland Burris of Illinois to replace Barack Obama who resigned to become President. That turned out to be a dubious honor. Burris immediately became mired in an ethics scandal that resulted in the seat being lost to Republican Mark Kirk in 2010. Further, the appointing governor, Rod Blagojevich, ended up jailed because of the maneuvering that took place over the appointment.
Since then, Democrats have had the opportunity to fill six unexpired U.S.
Senate terms. Five went to white men: Brian Schatz of Hawaii, Carte Goodwin of West Virginia, Paul Kirk of Massachusetts, Michael Bennett of Colorado and Edward Kaufman of Delaware. One woman was appointed, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York who replaced Hillary Rodham Clinton when she resigned to become Secretary of State. Another white male, Congressman Ed Markey is the likely replacement for U.S. Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts when he is confirmed as the new Secretary of State.
Senate terms. Five went to white men: Brian Schatz of Hawaii, Carte Goodwin of West Virginia, Paul Kirk of Massachusetts, Michael Bennett of Colorado and Edward Kaufman of Delaware. One woman was appointed, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York who replaced Hillary Rodham Clinton when she resigned to become Secretary of State. Another white male, Congressman Ed Markey is the likely replacement for U.S. Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts when he is confirmed as the new Secretary of State.
The simultaneous playing out of these two appointments dramatically underscores the hypocrisy and the double standard that exists when it comes to media coverage of the two political parties, especially when those of the conservative bent are involved.
Since the defeat of Mitt Romney on November 6th the narrative spun by the Left has been that the GOP cannot win because it fails to reach out to women and to minorities. Yet, in South Carolina you have a female governor making a historic appointment of an African-American and little note is made of the development. Meanwhile, white Democrats spurn the dying wish of a Senator of ethnic heritage and the decision, rather than being criticized, is ignored.
Clearly a double standard, but advantage to Governor Haley and to the GOP for picking Tim Scott, not because it was politically correct, but because it was the right thing to do. Perhaps someday Republicans will actually get credit for their diversity.
(Lowman S. Henry is Chairman & CEO of the Lincoln Institute and host of the weekly Lincoln Radio Journal. )
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