Thursday, August 30, 2012

2016: Obama's America vs. RNC

On Tuesday of the Republican convention I went to see the Dinesh D'Souza movie 2016: Obama's America and learned more about Obama in that documentary that I did listening to Governor Christie's speech that night. When do the Republicans intend to tell us what Obama has done to destroy this nation? D'Souza's reports Obama's decision to disarm America taking us from 5000 nuclear warheads to 1,500 with a video showing Obama whispering to a Russian official that he will be able to further reduce warheads in Obama's next term.
I am a Reaganite and I believe in peace through strength. There are some 300,000,000 people in this nation and I don't want Iran, the Chinese or Vladimir Putin to use the USA for target practice. If concern for the lives of 300,000,000 Americans isn't pro-life, what is?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nellie Gray, March for Life,

"From SFLA’s President, Kristan Hawkins: “Today marks a bittersweet moment for the pro-life movement, a great warrior for the preborn, Nellie Gray, has left this earth and entered her eternal reward. Pro-life students from across the nation will be forever grateful for the leadership that Nellie Gray has provided to our movement, for founding the March for Life, and setting an example of passion and perseverance that inspires us all to dedicate our lives to finishing what she started, abolishing abortion in our lifetime.”"
Nellie Gray, March for Life,:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy |

( - Rep. Paul Ryan, whom Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked as his running mate, told four years ago, in August 2008, that the U.S. was heading toward bankruptcy on the fiscal path it was then following and that it would be “mindboggling” to make the problem worse by adding the sort of health-care plan that then-Sen. Barack Obama was advocating in his presidential campaign."  Visit:

Debt Up $6.35T Since Ryan Predicted--in 2008-U.S. Was Headed Toward Bankruptcy | "

Former Susan G. Komen exec has book deal | The Detroit News |

"The former Susan G. Komen executive at the heart of the organization's clash with Planned Parenthood has a book deal.

Howard Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, announced Monday that Karen Handel's "Planned Bullyhood" will come out Sept. 11."  Visit:

Former Susan G. Komen exec has book deal | The Detroit News |"

Thursday, August 09, 2012

Abortion Doc Who Kills "Ugly Black Babies," a Democrat Donor |

"The abortion practitioner who is getting national attention for telling pro-life advocates that his abortions help rid the world of “ugly, black babies” turns out to be a prominent Democratic Party donor.

“The doctor in the video, apparently, is an active political donor, giving almost all his money to Democrats,” notes Tim Carney, of the Washington Examiner.

Ashutosh Virmani is a frequent Democratic Party contribute, according to a web site that tracks federal political donations."  Visit:

Abortion Doc Who Kills "Ugly Black Babies," a Democrat Donor |