Friday, July 27, 2012

Planned Parenthood Waited Five Hours Before Sending Abortion Victim to ER |

"New documents a local CBS television station obtained in the case of a young African-American woman killed in a fatal botched legal abortion show Planned Parenthood waited over five hours before sending the woman to a local hospital for emergency care.

Steve Miller of the CBS news affiliate WBBM has released a new report showing documents released in the botched abortion death of Tonya Reaves that alarmingly shows Planned Parenthood delayed summoning emergency care for the dying woman for five and a half hours after the abortion failed.

At 11:00 a.m. on Friday, Reaves received a second-trimester dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion at Planned Parenthood, located at 18 S. Michigan Ave. in Chicago. Following the abortion, Reaves began bleeding heavily and it continued at Planned Parenthood for five and a half hours before a Fire Department ambulance finally took her to Northwestern Memorial Hospital at 4:30 p.m., according to Miller."  Visit:

Planned Parenthood Waited Five Hours Before Sending Abortion Victim to ER |

This is not merely a botched abortion, this is a reckless disregard for human life!  The abortion clinic waited five hours to call an ambulance.  It is about time abortionists went to jail for this sort of thing.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Woman Dies After Second-Trimester Abortion at Planned Parenthood |

"A young woman has died after having a second-trimester abortion at a Chicago-area Planned Parenthood clinic. Tonya Reaves, 24, died late Friday night, according to a local CBS television station, of hemorrhage, with a cervical dilation and evacuation, according to the medical examiner’s office following an autopsy after the abortion that claimed her life.

CBS Chicago said Reaves died after the abortion she had at 18 S. Michigan Avenue Planned Parenthood facility. The woman was transported from the Loop Health Center Planned Parenthood abortion clinic to Northwestern Memorial Hospital where she was pronounced dead at 11:20 P.M."
Visit:  Woman Dies After Second-Trimester Abortion at Planned Parenthood |

Friday, July 13, 2012

Federal court victories for Maryland crisis pregnancy centers : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

"A federal appeals court has ruled that Baltimore’s mayor and city council infringed upon constitutional free speech rights in compelling crisis pregnancy centers to post signs stating that they “do not provide or make referral for abortion or birth control services.”

The 2-1 appellate court ruling affirmed a lower court’s decision that the ordinance constituted “a form of compelled speech that alters the course of a [pregnancy] center’s communication with a client or prospective client"  Visit:

Federal court victories for Maryland crisis pregnancy centers : News Headlines - Catholic Culture:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Angelina Jolie's Dad Backs Brad Pitt's Mom After Abortion-Death Threats |

"Jane Pitt faced death threats from liberal activists following her letter to the editor to a newspaper in which she blasts President Barack Obama for his lengthy pro-abortion record. In the letter published by the Springfield News-Leader, Pitt calls President Obama, “a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies.” She adds, “Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama.”   Visit:
Angelina Jolie's Dad Backs Brad Pitt's Mom After Abortion-Death Threats |

Abortion Opponents Find Success In Statehouses - Kaiser Health News

By the end of this week, Mississippi may be the only state in the nation to have no abortion clinic within its borders.

A federal judge will decide on Wednesday whether or not to continue blocking a new law that would effectively shut down the one such clinic remaining. The law, signed by Governor Phil Bryant in April, requires doctors performing abortions to be board-certified OB-GYNs and to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. That is a condition that the Jackson Women’s Health Organization says it cannot meet. Visit: Abortion Opponents Find Success In Statehouses - Kaiser Health News:

Monday, July 09, 2012

"An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, the power to destroy,"

"Nearly two centuries ago Daniel Webster stood before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of James McCulloch, head of the Baltimore branch of the Second Bank of the United States. At issue were two basic questions: Did the federal government have the authority to establish a bank? And did states have the authority to tax that bank (and by extension the federal government)?

"An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, the power to destroy," Webster famously argued in opposition to the latter question." Visit: Pro-Life Blogs:

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Thomas Sowell on the Constitution

"The Fourth of July may be just a holiday for fireworks to some people. But it was a momentous day for the history of this country and the history of the world.
Not only did July 4, 1776 mark American independence from England, it marked a radically different kind of government from the governments that prevailed around the world at the time -- and the kinds of governments that had prevailed for thousands of years. " Visit: Thomas Sowell: