Bishop James Conley of Denver recently released a warning to Catholic parents about the Girl Scouts in which he "quotes one youth minister: “It’s hard to imagine that a girl who remains involved with Girl Scouts into young adulthood won’t eventually learn of the connection her organization has with ‘pro-choice,’ pro-contraception, and ‘reproductive freedom’ groups. Having been influenced by GSUSA, she’ll be more receptive to this agenda. And if she was introduced to GSUSA through her parents and her local parish, then that will inevitably create contradiction between her Catholic faith and her Scouting experience.”" Visit:
Girl Scouts, Sullied:
Yes, sadly this information can be verified through a website created by current and former Girl Scout parents called that has graphs and charts and lots of visuals from original sources. Ironically, like Disney, you would think those whose existence is because of children would be pro-life instead of pro-abortion.