"Idol Gives Back"--To Pro-Abortion Groups
FRONT ROYAL, VA -- Once again, "American Idol" is aligning itself with pro-abortion groups. Among the groups benefiting this year's "Idol Gives Back" fund-raising campaign are Save the Children and the United Nations Foundation. "Idol Gives Back," which airs tonight, will feature several celebrities who will urge Americans to make a donation.
Save the Children has a working relationship with what it calls "prominent international organizations." Several of these groups are actively pro-abortion, including Better World Fund, Center for Reproductive Rights, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Population Action International, and the U.S. Committee for UNICEF.
In 2001, Save the Children worked with Planned Parenthood, the Population Action Council, and the pro-abortion Audubon Society on its five-year "Planet Campaign." Funded by the rabidly pro-abortion/population control David and Lucile Packard and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations, the purpose of the campaign was to "raise awareness of the connections between international family planning and the health of children, women and the environment." The Planet Campaign used television and print advertising, community outreach, special events, and other activities to spread its message. Save the Children said the campaign's website provided "an international forum for discussion of, and action on, women's reproductive health---including family planning---in various countries and diverse cultures around the world."
Save the Children has stated that "family planning" has been a "critical component" of its work for nearly 20 years. The group quoted a UNICEF document which stated that "family planning could bring more benefits to more people at less cost than any other single technology now available to the human race." Save the Children noted that the report identified "access to family planning" as a "key factor contributing to maternal and child survival and well-being."
LDI recently learned that "American Idol" judge Randy Jackson is working with Save the Children as "Program Ambassador."
Several divisions of the United Nations have donated funds to Planned Parenthood and the body has wholeheartedly embraced the same abortion and population control agenda.
"It is laudable that the people involved with 'American Idol' want to help the poor," said LDI President Douglas R. Scott, Jr. "But it is tragic that they would choose to do so through groups like the Save the Children and the United Nations Foundation. These groups have far too much deadly baggage."
"'American Idol' should stop using the contestants to raise money for groups when they are keeping the activities of these charities a secret," Scott said. "'American Idol' should practice full disclosure and give those contestants who may wish to decline participation in 'Idol Gives Back' the opportunity to do so without repercussions."
"If you believe the plight of preborn children is as important as the plight of the poor, do not participate in 'Idol Gives Back,'" Scott urged. "We are caring people who want to do our part to help those less fortunate, but we will do so through organizations that do not view the killing of human beings as a 'solution' to poverty and other adult-created problems."
It is worth noting that "American Idol" recently supported a fund-raising campaign by Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles.
Life Decisions International - Press Room
Thanks for showing those of us who are trying to get out of our stupor and sit on the side lines caring too much about little things that don't matter...
ReplyDeleteWe selfishly use the 10 commandments for our convenience and do not obey them for what they say... and one of them says " do not murder".
At what time when we were living in our mother would we have chosen to be " suctioned out or our skulls crushed"??
We wouldn't want it to be done to ourselves, so what gives us the right to take the life of the unprotected innocent lives. It 's hypocritical, it's hideous to think its called the right thing.