Monday, May 18, 2009

Pennsylvania Primary Election May 19, 2009

The Primary Election day is Tuesday, May 19 (tomorrow). Only registered Democrats and Republicans may vote for candidates in their respective parties in this election. The following pro-life recommendations are for Statewide Judges by the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation PAC:
Recommended for PA Supreme Court (Elect 1)
Republican Party Voters: Joan Orie Melvin; Paul Panepinto; Cheryl Lynn Allen
Democratic Party Voters: Jack Panella
Recommended for PA Superior Court (Elect 3)
Republican Party Voters: Judy Olson; Sallie Mundy; Temp Smith
Democratic Party Voters: Paula Patrick; Tom Munley
Recommended for PA Commonwealth Court (Elect 3)
Republican Party Voters: Al Frioni; Patricia McCullough, Kevin Brobson
Democratic Party Voters: Jimmy Lynn
Voting for prolife judges is extremely important.


  1. Thanks for posting this. It was a big help!

  2. Judge Panella is NOT pro-life. he has not made a comment or judgement regarding the issue of abortion except for one instance I can find:
    Liberty City Democratic Club
    Name: Jack Panella
    Office Sought: Supreme Court
    Date: 3/31/09
    He stated that Roe v. Wade was "settled law" in his mind. This does not give me confidence that a Judge endorsed by every Labor Union I have ever heard of will be "conservative" on any issue let alone abortion.
