According to Hillary Clinton has donated $10,000 to the Senate campaign of Bob Casey Jr. The donation was made from her political action committeeHillPAC and is the largest donation Clinton gave to any candidate in 2005.
Hillary Clinton has a solid pro-abortion voting record. In 2003 for instance when the Senate voted on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, 64 Senators voted "Yes" but Hillary voted "No". Hillary also voted for the Harkin amendment which said Roe. v. Wade should NOT be overturned. She voted for S. 1050, the National Defense Authorization Act of FY 2004 which would have allowed Department of Defense Facilities to be used for privately funded abortions. Fortuantely the bill was rejected.
Perhaps Hillary Clinton made her contribution to the Casey campaign in an effort to "soften" her stance on abortion. Keep in mind that Clinton voted against President Bush's Supreme Court Nominees John Roberts and Samuel Alito so she is still casting pro-abortion votes.
Perhaps Hillary is contributing to the Casey campaign to let her pro-abortion friends know Casey is "OK" with her. A little advice for Bob Casey: If I were running for dog catcher and Hillary Clinton gave me a nickel, I'd return it.
For those interested in the LIfeNEws Article: Hillary Clinton Donates Campaign Cash to Pro-Life Democrat Candidate
Don't edit yourself with euphemisms. Hillary is pro-fetal death, not pro-choice. Pro-choice implies a choice not to have sex, not to have coffee, or not to stay in a relationship with a man who prefers both with another woman.